We offer both free and premium job posting options. Free listings provide basic visibility, while premium listings offer enhanced exposure to reach more job seekers. Visit our pricing page (job packages) for details.
We strive to verify all job postings, but we recommend job seekers exercise caution and do their own research before applying. If you notice a suspicious job posting, please report it to us immediately.
If you have an employer account, log in to your dashboard, navigate to "Job Dashboard," and select the job you want to edit or remove. If you need assistance, contact our support team.
You can sign up for job alerts by creating an account and subscribing to job notifications based on your preferred industry, location, or job type. We’ll send you updates whenever new jobs matching your criteria are posted.
To apply for a job, click on the job listing that interests you and follow the application instructions provided. Some jobs may require you to submit your resume directly through our platform, while others may redirect you to the employer’s website.